Medway Village Church will have a special worship service at 10:00 am on June 18th with the theme "Celebration of Freedom" to commemorate the end of slavery on June 19th. The gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ proclaims freedom for those in bondage. This is the message many celebrated when the Emancipation Declaration was made by Abraham Lincoln in 1863. The state of Texas, however, did not heed the declaration, and many slave owners migrated to Texas as they believed that it was their "God-given" right to own slaves. This continued until June 19, 1865, when soldiers of the Union marched and arrived in Galveston, Texas to enforce the end of slavery.
The pattern of not living in the freedom that has been given is a reality for many even today. Jesus Christ declared freedom on the cross but many who are in bondage have not heard the message and are yet to experience personal freedom. The church is the mouthpiece of Christ's emancipation from all types of enslavement. Our church has been involved in the support of bringing freedom to those that are enslaved in the sex trade by supporting Amirah, a ministry that helps women exit the commercial sex trade. Sex trafficking is one of the practices today that keeps many people in bondage. Our worship service will celebrate freedom but also highlight what the church needs to do to respond to bring freedom to others.